School of Athens

School of Athens
School of Athens

Monday, May 14, 2012

Week of May 14-18

May 14-15
1. Current Event Activity:
Utilize an online newspaper and complete 3 news article assignments. All questions should be answered in complete sentences. News Article Task:
š     Name of Article & Source (name of news link)
š     Summarize the article in 6-10 sentences
š     Write a 3-5 sentence explanation about how the article will impact peoples lives in a positive or negative manner (or both).
š     Write 3-5 sentence explanation about how the contents of the article may have an impact on your life personally.

2. Tournament of Champions Selections
3. Debrief Articles
May 16-17
1. Pearl Harbor (History vs. Hollywood)
Task: Create a chart contrasting 3 historical facts to 3 movie facts. Show how the movie either demonstrates or does not demonstrate the correct depicition of what occurred in history. At the end write 3-4 sentences about Hollywood and how they either do a great job, average job or misrepresent different historical events.

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